New Indian Full Movie Highway (2014) Watch Online
New Indian Full Movie Highway (2014) Watch Online
Ratings: 8.3/10
Directed By: Imtiaz Ali
Genre(s): Drama | Romance
Released On: 21 February 2014
Movie Star Cast: Alia Bhatt, Randeep Hooda, Durgesh Kumar
Synopsis: A girl. A city girl – young, full of life – is on the highway at night. With her fiancé. They are about to get married in four days. Suddenly, her life is swung away from the brocade and jewelery of marriage to the harsh brutality of abduction. Her life will never be the same again. The same night, the gang is in panic. The girl is a big industrialist’s daughter. His links in the corridors of power make ransom out of the question. They are doomed. But the leader of this group is adamant. For him sending her back is not an option. He will do whatever it takes to see this through. But as the days pass by, the scenery changes, the light changes, the sun sets and rises and the air changes, she feels that she has changed as well. Gradually, a strange bond begins to develop between the victim and the oppressor. It is in this captivity that she, for the first time, feels free. She does not want to go back but she also doesn’t want to reach where he is taking her. She wishes this journey to
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