Meri Jung full movie watch online free HD
Meri Jung full movie watch online free HD
Rating: 6.3/10
Genre(s): Action
Released On: 23 December 2004
Directed By: Lawrence Raghavendra
Movie Star Cast: Nagarjuna Akkineni, Rahul Dev, Raghuvaran
Synopsis: Priya lives a middle-class lifestyle with her parents in an apartment complex near Vishshakapatnam in Southern India. This is a city that is paralyzed with fear by the local crippled gangster, Satya, and his dreaded son, Shatru, who are known to kill anyone who dares to stand in their way. Then a new resident named Ganesh moves in to the complex and Priya falls in love with him. Shatru receives a threatening phone call from a man who calls himself Mass – who swears to humiliate, frighten, and then kill him – all within 30 days. Shatru scoffs at this, but gets concerned when his vehicle is blown up, and several of his goons end up dead. He confers with Satya, and together they decide to entrap Mass. While returning home, Priya watches Satya’s goons taking Haftas from local businesses, and it is then she sees Ganesh, who is attempting to stop them. Priya does not know that she is headed for heartbreak for Ganesh has fallen in love with Satya’s daughter, Anjali, who is not permitted to
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