P.K. (2014) Hindi Movie HD 480p 700Mb Free Download
P.K. (2014) Hindi Movie HD 480p 700Mb Free Download
Synopsis: P.k. kunhalikutty brought ask questions no one asked before, what about a stranger in town, is a comedy of ideas. They are innocent, child-like questions, but they bring about catastrophic response. Generations are set in their ways for those who, They see it through the eyes of the innocent when p.k. kunhalikutty brought their world are forced to recharge. This process creates a loyal friend and powerful of foes. Angers mends broken lives and installation. And childlike curiosity of p.k. kunhalikutty brought millions of others for a spiritual Odyssey transforms into. Movie complex is an ambitious and specific origin of philosophy. It is also love, laughter and giving is a simple and moving human story. In the end, it’s different from a friendship between strangers moving saga.
Ratings: 8.9/10
Directed By: Rajkumar Hirani
Released On: 19 December 2014
Genre(s): Comedy | Drama | Fantasy
Movie Star Cast: Aamir Khan, Sanjay Dutt, Anushka Sharma
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