Ankhon Dekhi (2014) Watch free Online / freeDownload DVD Rip
Ankhon Dekhi (2014) Watch free Online / freeDownload DVD Rip
Directed By: Rajat Kapoor
Genre(s): Comedy | Drama
Released On: 21 March 2014
Movie Star Cast: Sanjay Mishra, Rajat Kapoor
Synopsis: Raje Bauji (Sanjay Mishra} is a man in his late fifties, living out a dreary but eventful life in a small house in old Delhi- where he lives with his extended family. A random incident is going to change his life in a dramatic way- though he does not realize at the moment. Bauji’s daughter has been seeing a boy of ill repute. When that fact is revealed to the family, after much deliberation they decide to do the obvious- lock up the girl and go beat the willful boy. It is a funny old journey of this man, this old fool- who is both Lear and the fool
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