Ritter Rost (2013)
Ritter Rost (2013)
Movie Info: IMDB
Rating: 5.5/10
Genre: Animation | Family
Release Date: 10 January 2013
Director: Thomas Bodenstein, Hubert Weiland
Stars: Ulrich Frank, Tom Gerhardt, Christoph Maria Herbst
Storyline: If a political candidate is personally flawed, but stands to make a positive difference in millions of lives, would you help him win? That question looms over the life of “true believer” Paul Turner (Rob Lowe), a savvy strategist sharply maneuvering politicians out of scandal and into public office. With the help of a bright young assistant (Jamie Chung) and a seedy operative (Richard Schiff), Turner spins every news cycle and a shrewd reporter (Julie Bowen) on behalf of his clients: a philandering Kentucky governor (Eric McCormick), a blackmailed California senator (David Harbour), and an idealistic doctor turned gubernatorial candidate (Carrie-Anne Moss). When the ugly side of Turner’s work begins to haunt him, he learns that even in the bloodiest of battles, sometimes you have to fight clean.
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