The Canal (2014) Full HD English 200MB 480p Download
The Canal (2014) Full HD English 200MB 480p Download
Synopsis: He and his wife Alice (Hannah Hoekstra) Alex (Carl Shaaban), his work with one of the clients that have been cheating on that murky film Archivist David (Rupert Evans), is having a hard time lately. David’s work partner Claire (anton Campbell-Hughes) becoming progressively more unstable and unhinged her home in 1902 for a brutal murder that suggests that-gives a reel of footage to be stored when it is moving, stress David starts a spectral presence in his house and he really is having an affair with Alex suggests that where a nearby Canal, his wife following ends to that belief. Alice goes missing shortly afterwards, David in her disappearance police contacts only to become the prime suspect. Police murdered his wife by David that grow more confident, he parlok some proof of his growing suspicion that responsible rather than struggle to find.
Ratings: 5.9/10
Directed by: Ivan Kavanagh
Released On: 10 October 2014
Genre(s): Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Star Cast: Rupert Evans, Antonia Campbell-Hughes, Hannah Hoekstra
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